im back blogging! its been a few days huh?
lets see what i hv been doing these few days.. hmmmm... my econs test. lols. i was smiling away when i did the MCQ. think i gt 14/15. so yea. Next up, Marketing test! and i HATE and i mean it. the style of marking! for every wrong question they minus 0.5 marks frm your hard earned correct answers!! like wtf? meaning wad? if i dunnoe, i kant even rely on LUCK? shrugs. if i dunnoe im gonna leave blank. that day will be like the most confusing day on earth for me..
my father's bday on friday and on thursday afternoon he bought me and my mum to ikea. on the way he din mention that friday is his bday so he just causally asked whether wanna hv fish head steamboat anot.. and i say erm nah. i dun like fish head. and then gf call.. and he said to me " its my bday u noe. u sure u not coming?" lols.. and i hv to say yes lah! i suddenly like the fish head soup. but relly the fish head soup is shiok. =)) tgt with the frog's legs and youtiao and one more dish i forgt the name liao.. loves.
but no photos taken cox i forgt to bring my camera and my dad would think that im siao to take simple food.. hahas.
saturday came. and gf was at my house. wake up quite early thanks to the previous two days of waking up at 7.30. i think im addicted to editing my project that i rat alot for this entry. enuff of rattings. i shall present to u my ikea pink chair! courtesy of my mummy! and DIY by my gf!
and tada!
we had katong laksa on saturday early afternoon then we head to buy the famous durain puff thr. yummilicious!
but at that point of time its only us. lols. so we had a hard time eating this lahh! but its relly yummy just by looking at it lahh.
went to the army market then to my fave dessert shop at bugis area thr again and then back to gf's house for her mio tv installation.
dinner time:
this is exactly like the one i tasted in KL. same herbal bak ku teh. location at marsiling area yea. the rest ask gf. cox i dunnoe how to get thr.. lols..
i hv to go combine my marketing project already! blog real soon!. tml meeting nicky! =)))
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