Alrights lotssssssssssss to blog! got to blog abt my overseas trip, xmas eve etc etc..... and MANY and i mean it. MANy things happen! i kant believe it ok and so do many ppl around me too! like i said right im suppose to go taipei but IN THE END I WENT TO HONGKONG instead! so diaos. i dun wish to elaborate all over again sia.. if nt it will be like the 20th time i repeat the whole story.. so as promised, pictures will be loaded below: lets start from the day we departure frm changi airport! sending me and gf away is nickky and denise! lols.
ok. this bhb ger kept acting like shes the one flying off. lolssss! and and because nickky looks ugly in most of the pics so i edited. lols. in the sky train to terminal 2 for breakfast, before heading to terminal 1 for departure.
my two besties. =)) the plane that took us to hongkong.
denise's letter to us. i forgt to say that we r damn drama at departure gate. cry and everything. LOLS.
and us in the plane.

food in the airplane:

Nice right? lols. its sooooooooo much per person's set lor.. and i had double strawberry hagen daz ice cream. =))
Hongkong airport:

all the fur are made frm 100% rabbit, meak or fox. lols. animal protection pls. 
i wonder lah when will it be actually full?

Time to fly to taipei airport already:

Plane food again. but cox i din eat my chicken with rice properly i gobble tis up.
Taipei night lightings and thats all i hv seen for taipei.
taipei airport:
think i gt the bad habit frm vell. posing in front of all the xmas trees that i can see! lols.

time to take down this le can. put JAY CHOU! Diaos. and suddenly, all the bad things happen ok.
This is the place where they detained me lahhs. damn sick. now that u hv seen changi airport and hk air port pics u will feel that me and gf landed in some 3rd world airport lahhs. i wasnt able to enter taipei anyway. reason: passport fell within 6 months to expiry date. like DAMN. i dunnoe anything abt that at all lahhs. blame it on innocence den. and i was crying every 15 min. poor gf. =((
the next ting i noe i was fuckup sad and me and gf r going back to hk. ps: ppl at taipei airport was horrible. bleahs. only the air crew people are nice. like wadever.
when we reach hk airport, the earliest flight we can take back to sg is on Monday ok! god. 3 days in HK with nothing at all. called back to sg with dearest vell's help booked the hotel for our next 2 days in HK. god. and ask abt then the first night how? me and gf slept in Hk airport pls. its like the first time i slept in a public place. nickky say its common for people to slp in airport so ok den. lols. gf was the one poor thing who din get enuff slp at all in the airport.
Not only us sleeping in the airport ok! 3 more.
The very next morning we board the express train or wadever they call it to tam sha shuito find our hotel that vell booked for us.
and then again. SOME ppl in HK are fuckup too. while some r soooo nice. =)) i guess singaporeans are the same too. some fuckup some friendly. argh.

gf lugging our luggage. lols. starting frm now. shes my PA. im kidding. lols. Realized that the mtr yea MTR they called it its call Hongkong. lols. imagine we have a station call Singapore. ppl will luff at us lor.
And their mrt are colourful. Bright green, yellow, red, blue and brown i think... i only remb sg station red hill is red colour or pink walls.

went to eat wonton mee and drink their lemon tea. then walk ard tsam sha shui (wadever spelling) before heading back to hotel room when its ready at 2pm.
gf. ;)

and this is everywhr on the road side! gross.
Road signs EVERYWHERE! its making me giddy at noon.

stylo right? real bike pls.
forgt to mention the street side food is all the same. same smell. the more i smell the more i wanna puke lor. some food we ate at the road side.

more at night. keep a look out yea. =))
Then we went to star ferry pier:

then gf saw this guy. n she insist to take a pic.

and i saw this lil ger who is soooooooooooooooooooooo cute lahs. with her camera.

isnt she adorable?
Shopping mall (high end inside all branded la )

the hotel and the room:

The roast goose and the roast pig. ( damn yummy but damn oily toooo lahhs) My whole mouth is filled with oil once i bite the piece of goose meat.

my view when eating the above. most of the hotels face their dirty HDB flats anyway.
And next we went to mongkok area to walk ard...
The machine where we purchase mtr tickets. and the tix that is our last time fare card look alike.

here we are: Mongkok station:
dun ask me y gf pose like that k.

and we seeeee weird people. acting like harajuku girls. VERY stylo.
see my hair is SO incomparable lor. =((
Mongkok is crazy with people! the roads are all like blocked. everybody walks on the road freely. no cars and anything on the road except humans walking and walking. lots of shops and lots of cheap like anything things.
More road side food which taste nt good at all:
1. erm i dunnoe wads tis called but its nt nice i noe.
2. pearl milk tea which is horrible too in HK as agreed with vell.
3. tako yaki balls. not nice either lah.
4. some cold thing which is cold like anything and not nice too!

their guardian.
Everywhere i see this but i wonder where is the small letterbox lahh.
hmmm. Nu ren jie is where me and gf walk ard buy cheap stuffs. then walk the whole area of mongkok ( the malls, the streets) and we decided to head to the peak.
On the way to the peak tram
Peak Tram:

and i notice somthing abt Hk. it has ALOT of ppl. no matter whr i walk to there will be crowd and more crowd. worst at tourist attractions. god.
with the peak ending. nice view btw. lols. i saw jackie chan's house way HIGH up on the peak lahhs. damn shiok. n their building are AMAZINg. slanted. but i noe how they do the foundation though. lols ask me i explain to u den..
thats the end of day 1 in HK! went bk to hotel to bathe and slp. Just after one day in the room and our room is in a messsssss.

Remaining money for the next 2 days.
We are off to yum cha and then central and then DISNEYLAND! =)))
before that take a look at their dirty unpaint hdb flats. they ought to have a 5 yr repainting works plan like now.
Yum Cha:
with thanks to the lady selling magazines to tell us the way to the yum cha place.
we order like ppl who starve for months but in the end as usual we din finish up all.
took the MTR to central whereby its their CBD area.
The LV building. ;)) and more of it later.
went to li yuen street both east and west. ( it looks like bugis street but theres nothing to buy yea.)
random seller. shes illegal ok. lols. ohhh one thing abt my photos the timing are all in a mess! so dun bother abt the timing.
Found all these when we r finding toilet. lols.
at their 7-11, they have all sorts of different kind of maggie mee that sg dun hv at all sia. so we bought a few of the flavours back.
1. spicy beef
2. creamy chicken
3. soya sauce
4. jap curry noodle
5. XO sauce seafood

sunny bay station whr u take the disneyland tram.
and on the way we saw a cute looking ahma. LOLS. and gf kept taking her pic and even video her lor. so rude of gf. lols.
show u guys one pic will do.
and we are with her all the way till disneyland where she disappear liao.

Sleeping beauty castle. damn chio pls.
when the castle gt light up its Another amazing thing on earth!
gf with her act cool looks. multi-expose this pic with mine. we are at the 3D Disney adventure theater. the 3D effect is SO REAL. for example if donald throws a knife at u. it REALLY throws the knife at u. gt the effect of the knife coming to u when u r in the theater. so coooooool. i wish ah boy was with me that moment to witnesssss lahhs.

Goodbye Disneyland~
The supper of day 2. lemon coke is shiok! =))

lastly the last day in Hk. coming back to sg! like finally. lols. im glad that i came back to sg safely. =))
becox time is running out sia. i hv been blogging since 10pm and now going to 2am. gonna slp sooooon. so i just collage almost all and blog tml for the xmas eve event and new stuff happening yea!
love ya all!